AGM Proposals

AGM proposals

The AGM takes place on 23 January, the following items will be voted on at the meeting so attendance at the meeting is important.

  1. The Club leasehold has brought with it numerous additional costs, which we are managing to meet but with limited opportunity to save reserves. One of the financial challenges over the next 4/5 years will be the maintenance of the track. There are currently 7/8 areas which will need attention in the medium term and it would make good sense to begin saving additional funds to meet ongoing repairs rather than wait for major costly larger repairs. One square meter of track costs £300 to replace.

With this in mind the following is proposed, with effect from January 2014:

  • That a £1 levy should be charged to each member using the track on Tuesday and Thursday Club nights.


  • That members using the track on Tuesdays or Thursdays Club nights pay a £1 per week levy.


  1. Utility costs will continue to rise year on year, we now pay a water/sewerage charge of £1500 per year and electricity charges are set to increase from £4,500 to £7000 each winter. We intend to continue supporting our members by paying for courses, assisting with travelling expenses and transport etc. With the same principle of setting aside funds going forward the following is proposed with effect from January 2015:
  • That full competing member fees be increased by £10 across all age groups.

Under 11s initial membership increase from £55 to £65 and renewal fees from £30 to £40.

Under 17s initial membership increase from £60 to £70 and renewal £35 to £45.

Senior initial membership increase from £65 to £75 and renewal from £40 to £50.

  • Social membership and student rate to remain at £30.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. POSTPONED AGM Agenda for 5 December 2013 | Doncaster AC

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