Coach Forum – Minutes of Meeting Saturday 15th March 2014

                                          Coach Forum

                Minutes of Meeting Saturday 15th March 2014

                                          Police Club

1.     Attending: Les Grant (Chair), Kev Lincoln, Terry Winmill, Dan Winmill, John Blackshaw, Martin Boyd, Martin Godfrey, Dave Andrews. Jude Allam.

2.     Apologies: Bruce Bewley, Eric Whitehead, Mike Cooke, Barry Barnes, Dominic Maddison, Steve Harrison.

3.     Athlete Movement:

Discussion about athlete pathways into coaching groups, Les has circulated audit papers to identify how many athletes in each group and where vacancies are.

Key points:

·        Need another throws coach.

·        Individual athlete training programmes essential.

·        Suggested separate parents/coaches meeting needed for under 11group to prepare for summer.

·        Non-members must be channelled through Saturday Club


·        Les producing document to clarify pathways.

·        Dan designing new first visit form to include coach recommendations and assigned group when becoming a member.

·        Les arranging under 11s meeting.


4.     Personal Coach Development:

·        Identify where a coach will fit into coaching team when attending a new course.

·        Ucoach – online development tool.

·        Working with other coaches.

·        Mentors.

·        Flying coaches.

5.     Competition and Leagues:

·        Current season of events listed.

·        British League discussed, to progress through Directors Meetings. Important for athlete development

6.     Athlete Development:

Key points:

·        Moving up age groups.

·        Nutrition

·        Preparing for competition, viewed as key to athlete development.

·        Injury prevention and recovery.

·        Changing training groups.

7.     Track Etiquette:

            Key points:

·        Working with other coaches.

·        Allocating track space and safety zones.

·        Duplicating training/combining with other coaches.

·        Sharing equipment.

·        Running the wrong way around the track prohibited.

·        Coaching teams need to work together.

·        Throwing javelins from the track unsafe and not acceptable.

·        6pm to 6.45pm on Thursdays under 11s only to use the track. Adults may warm up after that time.

8.     Attracting new athletes to the Club:

·        Levels of competency.

·        Selling and advertising the Club

·        Word of mouth

·        Working with other sports

·        Targeting local schools.


N.b. Thanks to Les for organising the meeting.