It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the welfare of all within our sport, and we understand that the vast majority of people engaged in athletics are volunteers and participate because they want to. At Doncaster Athletic Club we aim to provide a safe environment for the benefit of all members participating in their chosen sport, regardless of their age or ability.
Doncaster Athletic Club has adopted, and endorses, the principles of UK Athletics welfare policies and procedures, which incorporate Child Protection Procedures.
At our club, we have a comprehensive welfare policy document, and information manual, available upon request, covering all aspects of welfare, which we endeavour to uphold and adhere to, in accordance with UK Athletics.
Policies and Procedures Endorsed By Doncaster Athletic Club Include;
Safeguarding and protecting children
Adults working with children must also be provided protection and be aware of good practice so that they can be protected from wrongful allegations
Equality – Elimination of discrimination, and encouragement of diversity within the sport, regardless of gender, marital status, race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, social background or political belief.
Bullying – Dealing with aggression/hostility towards fellow members, whether physically, emotionally, or sexually. (See Anti-Bullying Policy)
Disciplinary and grievances matters – ensuring parents and athletes know how to voice their concerns, and how to complain, if there is anything they are not happy about & to ensure that any issues are dealt with fairly and appropriately.
Use of Photographic & Video Images – Adoption of good practice guidelines to ensure the protection of young people from the inappropriate use of photographic images.
Any queries or concerns regarding welfare issues can be discussed with Doncaster AC’s appointed Welfare officer Jo Parkin who can be found at reception, assisting with registration of the Roadrunners, and who leads the novice roadrunners group. Other club officials can also be contacted at reception or around the track.
Doncaster Athletic Club © 2023 (Website sponsored by Atlas Certification Limited)