Directors Meeting 6th February 2013


Directors Meeting 6th February 2013


Dan Winmill, Dave Lilley, Barry Barnes, Steve Harrison, Kev Lincoln, Mark Hudson, Les Grant, Martin James



Andrea Page, Alice Howe

Matter arising

The issue of the Lottery management has still not been addressed. To be actioned                  MH


EA affiliation

Information has been distributed to athletes and parents.

Discussion on membership categories and proposals for the AGM were agreed. These are to be forwarded to the Company Secretary for inclusion on the AGM agenda                           BB/KL



Now signed but documents still to be exchanged. This should take place next week when confirmation of finance has been received                                                                                KL



A/C’s reviewed. Incoming and outgoings were discussed and agreed                                      KL


Site update

Porta-cabin now has electric

Security/alarm system now in place. Coaches to receive their ‘fobs’ at the Coaches Forum.     KL

Shelving available from Richmond Builders                                                                              SH

Suggestion that volunteers be recruited to help refurbish the equipment. To be actioned       SH/KL

Picnic tables being purchased                                                                                                     KL

End of March for site work to be completed                                                                               KL


Awards night

200 tickets sold. 2 VIP tables. Event will start at 7pm. All awards have been collected           KL



26th March 2013, start at 6pm until 9pm

Players Lounge at the Keepmoat stadium

Agenda agreed                                                                                                                           KL


Club house

Discussed proposals and it was suggested and agreed that images of the proposed development be displayed at the AGM                                                                                                                 SH


Proposed Spring Open Meeting

Suggested date 12th May 2013. Suggestions for activities, as well as T&F were discussed. Agreed a team of Directors and others work on the event                                 Terry Winmill, DW, SH, KL


Club-mark courses

First Aid completed

Safeguarding 1 (6 participants)

Equality in Coaching (2 participants)

Health and Safety (handling for officials), a short course for assistant field officials. Venue to be arranged and date confirmed.                                                                                                     KL


Coach Forum

Saturday the 23rd February 2013 at 12-30pm.Venue the Police Club

Agenda to include amendment of the coach structure and issue of Alarm fobs.                    LG/KL

Saturday sessions working well with children moving forward as needed



Proposals from Shelley Revitt discussed and agreed                                                                 KL

Clothing purchase, in view of Inter Sport closing, reviewed, discussed and agreed                  KL

Query re Direct Debit for membership payments discussed. Agreed not able to facilitate this due to banking issues

Drugs in Sport. Being researched and findings will be presented when they are available      LG

New web site. Proposals discussed and agreed                                                                          MJ

Event dates for 2013 to be circulated                                                                                         SH


Utility Vehicle. Discussed possible purchase, with information being circulated. It was agreed that further consideration be given to this at the next Directors meeting                                          DW


Next meeting. Wednesday 1st March at the Police Club, start 6-30pm