Edale Rushop Edge Walk – 10th March 2013

Last month’s walk to Edale had to be cancelled[pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-wxJAEliQIXI/UTzm-IkBH5I/AAAAAAAAsiE/voorpb7fPFA/s144-c/DSCF1918.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/doncasterac/SprotbroughWalk10February2013#5853807570799632274″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”DSCF1918.jpg” ] due to heavy snow in the Peak District so we had a very wet walk around Sprotborough and Cusworth from the Boat Inn instead.

On Sunday however, we did manage to get to Edale where there was still plenty of snow on the hills, but at least the roads were clear.
We set off from the Rambler Inn wrapped up in multiple layers, long johns, walking trousers plus waterproof over- trousers as well as all manner of shirts, fleeces, wind/water proof jackets and hats and gloves. The wind was from the east and bitterly cold with just the occasional flurry of snow. We climbed steeply up the snow-covered hillside towards Hollins Cross where we re-grouped and briefly admired the snowy scene below us on both sides of the ridge. We then continued up towards Mam Tor. We didn’t go to the summit but worked our way around the more sheltered northern flank of the hill after being advised by a walker coming the other way that the top was hazardous because of high winds. Well, we know about the freakish winds that blow on MamTor from previous experience!


[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-Es7hCc3LfjE/UT4bX-7BmWI/AAAAAAAAskE/TIa4r2M5As8/s144-c/DSCF1957.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/doncasterac/EdaleRushopEdgeWalk10thMarch2013#5854146664469731682″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”DSCF1957.jpg” ]
We stopped for a tea break at Mam Tor Gap with Dave and Pam, in Kev’s absence, providing the now customary whiskey top-ups for the drinks. Once fully refreshed, we climbed steadily up Rushop Edge to reach our highest point of the day at 1800ft above sea level. The snow was quite deep in places but the wind was behind us, thankfully. There were a few of us with aching legs by now as walking in snow and ice is much more demanding than normal walking, particularly on hills. We eventually turned off the ridge and began the decent down Chapel Gate path back into Edale once more; although we were getting lower, we were now heading straight into the arctic winds again. We were almost unrecognisable covered completely in hoods scarves with only narrow slits for eyes visible. Almost unbelievably, when we reached the bottom of the dale, the sun appeared. It wasn’t any warmer (it didn’t get above freezing point all day) but it cheered us up a bit, or was that the thought of the blazing fires and hot lunches waiting for us at the Rambler now just 20minutes walk away?
The bottom of the valley was clear of snow but very muddy. Here, Alison, Michael and Eddie all managed to fall and get messed up.


[pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-ASQsCvgB92w/UT4bXpjdULI/AAAAAAAAsjw/AuD98Di-Yec/s144-c/DSCF1956.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/doncasterac/EdaleRushopEdgeWalk10thMarch2013#5854146658733740210″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”DSCF1956.jpg” ]
When we reached the Rambler, Richard who had run our walk plus a bit more, was looking forlornly out of the Pub window as all his money and clothes were locked up in Dave’s car. We had a large table in our own room and thoroughly enjoyed a wide variety of lunches and quite a few drinks.
This walk would have been an energetic walk even in good weather, but in winter conditions it became very challenging. Even so, everyone enjoyed every minute of it and it will be an experience long remembered. We had all looked forward to a walk in the snow – now roll on the spring.

Alan Biggs

Next walk: Sunday April 7th.

Lots of photos available here of both walks.