London Marathon Club Places 2024

Please forward your London Marathon rejection emails / letters to Martin James (No later than 13 December 2024) assuming you want to go in the club draw and you meet the following conditions:

The draw for the club ballot is towards the end of the year and it will not take place until London Marathon confirm our allocation which could be none.

The draw will take place on 17 December 2024.

Please complete this form –

  • The member needs a rejection slip from the ballot entry
  • If you have previously run the London Marathon then you can not apply for a club place
  • You must be a first claim member at the time of entering the public ballot and be fully paid up with a UKA license, and if you are successful at the draw you must have renewed your membership with Doncaster AC and your UKA license for the year of the marathon
  • The member has to arrange payment for the place
  • You must run in a Doncaster AC vest
  • The member needs to have completed a half marathon race, or race of greater distance during 2023 / 2024 before the club ballot is drawn

List of names in the ballot