Meeting Minutes – 3 July 2013



3RD July 2013


Les Grant, Mark Hudson, Kev Lincoln, Barry Barnes, Dave Lilley, Dan Winmill, Terry Winmill, Steve Harrison


Matters arising

No matters arising, all items on the agenda

Clubhouse update

A feasibility study is needed and a meeting is being arranged with DRFC to discuss plans.          KL

Other funding streams were discussed and will be actioned when a more detailed plan of the facility is agreed.

Financial review

A/C’s reviewed. Discussion on Lottery, agreed to close                                                                  MH/KL


Discussion on the possibility of joining the BAL. Letter to be circulated to athletes to gauge their response                                                                                                                                                     TW/LG

Discussion on YDL. Agreed U13’s/U15’s in too high a league and the more to a lower league will mean a more local competition.                                                                                                                TW

U17’s/U20’s will possibly be promoted and this could mean travel to places such as Scotland.   TW

Winter season

Danum and other schools/venues being booked. U11’s to go indoor.                                                KL

Road Race update

Preparation for the Town Centre races is going well. Numbers low at present                                 MH

Club Championships

Format and date for the championships were discussed and agreed. Event to be advertised       LG


Rovers fixtures

Games are being played on a number of Tuesday’s, list to be displayed. Permits can be used on these days and it was agreed that notices will be placed on those cars that are wrongly parked           KL/SH

Coach update

Coach forum to be held on Wednesday 31st July. Discussion on athletes moving groups and the use of ‘elite’ status                                                                                                                                           KL/LG


Officials needed

Next meeting

Wednesday 7th August, 6-30 at the Police Club