Minutes Directors Meeting 2nd August 2017

Doncaster Athletic Club

Directors Meeting 2nd August 2017


Dan Winmill, Terry Winmill, Barry Barnes, kev Lincoln, Sue Forbes, Les Grant.


Martin James, Janet Kerry.

Barry and Kev stated they needed to leave the meeting at 8.30pm.

In opening the meeting KL asked that thanks be minuted to Gill Winmill for her contribution to Club business over the past four years and expressed disappointment at her resignation, whilst accepting the reasons for that decision.

KL went on to explain some of the reasons and personal issues behind his recent actions and apologised for any mistakes he may have made. KL was conciliatory in his remarks and expressed his desire that any issues that had led to relationship differences could be put to one side in the interests of the Club and that Directors could move on with Club development.

Financial review:

KL explained the accounts.

Meeting with the accountant, who had suggested consideration should be made about becoming a charity. KL to research further.

Site costs  include repairs and replacement of pole vault covers/ replacement water heater in tuck shop/ flood light repairs ongoing.

Review of invoice system as presented by the accountant.


AlL actions in place. Terry Winmill announced Dan would not be assisting on the day.

Family Day – 13th August.

Activities to include bouncy castle, beat the goalie, wellie throwing, food available. The event to dovetail with the Academy session. Dan Winmill announce the Academy would not be operating that but gave no explanation.


All systems in place. Saturday coaches had agreed to help.

Sprint Endurance Evening

Change of address on forms required. All officials and finish system in place

Coach Development Group

Terms of reference and code of ethics reviewed and a number of minor amendments suggested. Meeting to be held on 11th August with coaches and run leaders only.BB

Coaching assistant – Toni Fisher – approval given to register Toni on October course.

Review of athlete development to be taken to first formal CDG meeting. Agreed that any coaching issues prior to the formal formation of the CDG to be agreed with Directors.

Non- competing members.

List reviewed and letters to be sent out.


Review of 2017

Discussion on future, decision on future deferred.


New treasurer now in place.


Discussion took place on succession planning. Advert to be posted. KL


Notes from DW were reviewed. Due to recent events during the week, new shelving fitted in the first aid room and equipment store and stock check in the container, temporary storage issues had arisen which would be resolved soon. Emphasised that everyone had a duty to help.

Fire Safety Report.

Report from Fire Service reviewed and confirmed the Club is meeting its legal requirements.


Kev and Barry then left the meeting.