Minutes from directors meeting 4 November 2015
Doncaster Athletic Club
Directors Meeting
4th November 2015
Martin James, Susan Forbes, Kev Lincoln, Barry Barnes, Dan Winmill, Terry Winmill, Janet Kerry
Les Grant, Tamhra Grace
Matters Arising
Financial Review KL
A/C’s reviewed
Track and Field Development TW
YDL and Northern League – Fixtures and structure not sorted yet
BAL Club has qualified U20 and Senior athletes (under 17 if the reach the required standard)
Discussion on the implications of joining, travel standard of competition etc.
Facebook Policy KL
Review policy and discussed amendments, mainly related to advertising and wording
Coach Development KL
Audit of coaches to be completed. Update on coach issues
Clubmark KL
File being formatted, coaches, managers, DBS
21/11 First Aid course
TG, TW, KL, LG attending a Safeguarding workshop
Constitution reviewed
H&S Policy Reviewed
Site Maintenance KL
Store room a mess and will need to be put in order again. Coaches to be informed
Hammer Cage Flanges need replacing, work in progress
Pole Vault bed in storage
Track being de-weeded
Membership KL
Discussion on on-line payments Sports Entry Solutions and EA. Agreed remain with SES
Road Running Review KL
Dates set for 2016
Metres for Miles providing race numbers
Finishing momentoes discuseed
Club House
Circulation to companies to explore sponsorship
Boards to be put in place
Awards Night KL/TW
Moving along
Speaker arranged
VIP list sorted
Tickets available January
Family Day/Club Championships TW/KL/SF
To be arranged August 2016
Open Meeting 2016 KL/LG
9th April 2016. Needs Progressing, KL to discuss with LG
Christmas Break
Last day 17th December 2015. Open Tuesday 5th January 2016
Review of Website design
Discussion re Denton and Nickells support
JK agreed van would be available for Cusworth 10k, thereby saving cost
Next meeting Wednesday 2nd December 2015
6-30 at the Police Club