Minutes from Directors meeting – 9th Jaunary 2012



9th January 2013



Kev Lincoln, Mark Hudson, Dan Winmill, Barry Barnes, Les Gant, Martin James, Andrea Page, Steve Harrison


Alice Howe, Dave Lilley

Lease update

Still not signed as still needs approval from our solicitors. This is being actioned                        KL

Finances from DMBC now in place

Affiliation fees

These are to be implemented as per EA guidance. Discussion on status of athletes, social, competing and non-competing members. These need defining                                                                    SH


Elections to Regional Network

Correspondence from EA to be considered and actioned                                                            KL

AAA-AGM preliminary notice received

Site Issues

Permanent wiring will shortly be installed into the porta cabin

Lights on stand, quote awaited

Other work to start soon, including alarm system (agreed use Richmond)                                  KL


Financial review for external customers

Discussed and agreed                                                                                                                   KL

Cost Centres to be reviewed                                                                                                    MH/KL


AGM Tuesday 26th March 2013

Discussion on the format.

6-7pm Pete Moore to speak to parents

7pm Buffet

7-30 to 9pm formal part of the meeting

Event to be held in the players lounge at the Keepmoat, agenda required                               BB

Directors to to stand down KL and SH (both to seek re-election)

New post of ‘equipment officer’ to be put forward


Coach Forum

To be arranged. Agreed a Saturday with an 11am start                                                            LG


Club-mark courses

First Aid. 26th January at Police Club, 8 attendees                                                                    KL

Safeguarding. South Yorkshire Sport will facilitate this                                                           KL

Equitiy in Coaching. TBA                                                                                                         LG


Awards night

Adults £10, Children £5

Start 7pm, meal 7-30

Athlete Support Fund (item for AGM)

Discussion on setting up a separate account to facilitate requests for funding by individual athletes

This was in response to a request already made (finance approved)



Attendance at Chamber of Commerce event                                                                          KL


Clubhouse consultation

This project is moving forward, agreed we will have artists impression by Easter            SH/AP

Approach to Bawtry Town FC to determine interest in being partners in this project



Licence renewed. Discussion on organising a draw in the summer. Subject to be raised at AGM.


Other issues discussed

Tax/Gift Aid

Directors Meetings to be held first Wednesday of the month

Thunder Run. Agreed use of club bank card (entry monies to be returned)

Power of Ten Badges (Jack Houghton, Les Grant, Aiden Davies, Bruce Bewley)

Doncaster Schools X-C to be held 16th January at Town Fields

Website. Stats from MJ

Saturday sessions for young non-members have recommenced