National Cross Country Relays – 31 October 2015

National Cross Country Relays, Mansfield, Saturday 31st October 2015

                                       Team Sheet to date


Under 13 Boys: George Rowland, Ben Stallard, Sam Lawson (3 x 2k)

Race Time: 12.55pm

Under 15 Boys: George Westerman, Matthew Barron, Sam Botterill (3x2k)

Race Time: 1.45pm

Under 17 Men : TEAM A George Phillips, Rhyse Gibson, Nishan Singh (3x3k)

Under 17 Men: TEAM B Tom Mattewson, Caleb Jenkins, Harry Mcrae (3x3k)

Race Time:12.05pm

Juniors Men: TEAM A Callum Wilson, Kallem Silcox, Elliott Tong (3x3k)

Junior Men: TEAM B Callam Wright, Christian Grant, ONE MORE NEEDED

Race Time:11.40am


Under 13 Girls: NO TEAM

Under 15 Girls: Kirbi Taylor, Elli Chessman, Charlotte Lee (3x2k)

Race Time: 1.20pm

Under 17 Women: Emily Barker, Molly Butterworth, Chloe Crichton (3×2.5k)

Race Time: 11.09am

Junior Women: Abbi Haley, Jessica Royale, ONE MORE NEEDED (3x 2.5k)

Race Time: 11am




Senior Women.

Caroline Wheelhouse, Jayne Baldwin, Joanne Goodier

Nicola Divine, Karey Miles, Rachel Black

Rose James, Marie- Louise Taylor, Janet kerry:

Elizabeth Jackson, Michelle Ward, Sharon Carson


Teams to be allocated nearer the date.

3x3k. Race Time:2.05pm




Senior Men.

Ben Elliot, Glynn Jones, James Westerman, Peter Simpson

Martin James, Wayne Martison, Chris Morran

Chris Lawson, Stuart Bartley, Phil Peter.

Matthew Whitehead. Simon Wright, Mick Page, Pete Tallents


Teams to be allocated nearer the date

4x5k Race Time: 2.40pm