Planning Meeting 15 September 2018


Held at The Police Club – 12.30 – 4pm

15th September 2018





Kevin Lincoln

Les Grant

Eric Whitehead

Bill Davies

Barry Barnes

Martin James

Janet Hampson

Pam Smith




Susan Forbes

Lynsey Coates

Karen Wilkinson

Anthony Brown

Martin Godfrey


Part 1


Financial Review:


Kevin went through the Financial situation of The Club pointing out the financial commitments.  The introduction of a card system had proved, so far, to be a success and we were in a financially healthy  position. Reserve for track repairs on target.


Outstanding Maintenance:


The Pole Vault cover, track repairs and pitch were being dealt with successfully.


The Defibrillator:


It was agreed by all that a Defibrillator was an important item of the Club’s First Aid equipment.  Because of the cost, arrangements were underway to raise money to purchase one.  The first step towards raising funds for the Defibrillator is our Christmas Raffle.


The Club’s First Aid cover will shortly run out, and arrangements are underway for a Course to be held for 12 people to undergo training which will include specialist training on the Defibrillator.  Martin confirmed that one of the Pacers fund training for Defibrillators.  Janet also mentioned they had received two Defibrillators.  Eric mentioned that “First Responders” undertake training plus training with Defibrillators for £1,200.  Kevin to action.






Sprint Endurance Evening:


At the moment 30 athletes from the Club have entered.  Though there are more who have submitted their application on line.  They felt that the low representation this year was a combination of the cancellation last year and Mike Cook is organising the event programme this year and it is hoped we can build on this.  Lynsey will be dealing with the numbers and Pam with entries on the night.  Yvonne and Pam’s laptops will be connected to the printer. The long jump entries are to be covered  by Les.


Officials Course XP School 24th November:


We have 15 volunteers for the Officials course for 24th November.


Christmas Break:


The last training day at the Club will be Thursday 20th December 2018.  The Saturday Junior Club last training day will be 15th December 2018.  All athletes will return on the 3rd January 2019.


Winter Training Indoors:


Most dates have been confirmed; we are just waiting for Sally at The Soccer Centre to come back with dates.


AGM/Parents Information – Thursday 6th November XP School.


It was felt that the Thursday 6th December at the XP School would be the club AGM.  The 10th January 2019 would be the Parents Information Night giving them more of an opportunity to forward any questions.




Part 2 (Planning for 2019)

Awards Night Saturday 23rd February – Keepmoat:

The Awards Night will now be held 9th March 2019.  Tickets are £14 for adults and £7 for children under 11 years. All Team Managers/ coaches to ensure award nominations are with Kev by 31st October at the latest.

Members Fees for Year 2019:

There will be an increase in fees to £5 at each level and will reflect the UKA £1 increase, £2 for Northern Athletics and £2 towards site maintenance.






Open Meeting Programme: Saturday 20th April (Easter weekend?)

Date confirmed with Justiming photo finish.  The Volunteer Maintenance Day now be Saturday 13thh April 2019 .

Road Races dates for next year to stand.

Sprint/Endurance night for 2019 confirmed as 18th September.

Open Meeting Programme to be advised by Luke at Justiming.

Team selection for YDL Jude and Lynsey to organise together.

Confirmation of Team Managers for YDL upper – Jude and Karen and YDL lower – Lynsey, Northerns- Anthony Brown/ Judith Revitt and 2 assistants. SY League outdoors/indoors Tammie Cullen.


Any Other Business:

With regard to Anthony Brown’s proposals collective data base agreed.

Barry handed out the England Athletics Track Nights Information:

  • He’d spoken to Emma re Safeguarding training re a “Track Night”
  • Barry would undertake the “Steeplechase” specialism
  • Other coaches to take on a role and contact Kev.
  • To put on a “Relay Team Grand Prix” for next year 3 events. Les to action.
  • Importance of regular practice with a regular team.


Electronic Timings and Photo Finish:

To be a two year plan.

Martin raised the following concerns:

  • Not many young senior athletes as many had moved on to University
  • Possibly guiding athletes towards other sessions such as Barry Barnes and Les Grant
  • Cross country fixtures list was handed out by Martin. One to go on the Board outside the Club and one on the web site.

