South Yorkshire League Saturday 15th June (Don Valley Stadium)
Please could you let me know your field events by Thursday Evening so that I can submit them prior to the meeting
U11 B&G – Long Jump and choice of Turbo Jav or Ball throw
U13 B&G – Long or High Jump, Shot or Javelin
U17, Senior and Vets M&W – LJ, HJ, Shot and Javelin
Please note- U13’s are in the morning starting 10am. U11’s don’t start until the afternoon 1:00pm
Please note I will also need your events for the meeting at Doncaster on 29th June because I am on vacation between the 2 meetings with no access to e-mail to submit events in advance.
U11 B&G – Long Jump and choice of Turbo Jav or Ball throw
U13 B&G – Long or High Jump, Shot or Javelin
U15B&G – LJ, HJ, Shot, Discus, Javelin
U17B&G – TJ, HJ, Shot, Discus, Jav (U17B – LJ)