South Yorkshire League Match 5
Sunday 21st July
Starts 10:00am
Age Groups: U15, U17, Senior, Vets
This is the last match of the series and the results after the first four matches are as follows
1st Place – City of Sheffield 3706 points
2nd Place – Doncaster 3696 points
3rd Place – Rotherham 2365 points
4th Place – Barnsley 1585 points
5th Place – Hallamshire 1156.5 points
6th Place – Wombwell 901.5 points
7th Place – Penistone 359.5 points
As you can see it is tight at the top so there is everything to play for. Please let me know the events you want to compete in and for those athletes who have not yet competed in the league I still have some numbers available (cost £10).
Good Luck to all those that will be competing.