Yorkshire Veterans AA Cross Country Championships / Northern Masters Cross Country Championships
On 4 March the Yorkshire Veterans AA Cross Country Championships (Incorporating the Northern Masters Cross Country Championships) take place on our doorstep, the Northern Racing College.
Any DAC runner over 35 years old can enter the Yorkshire Veterans Championships, Doncaster AC is affiliated to this organisation.
To compete in the Northern Masters you must be a member of Northern Masters.
You can compete in one or the other or both. To compete in both you need to complete both entry forms below and pay two entry fees. You will need to wear both sets of numbers if competing in both events (in reality you will run in one race but get two results).
I can do a club entry for the Yorkshire Vets race, will post this mid February.
Entry for Yorkshire Veterans AA here. Info here.
Entry for Northern Masters here.
Message from the organisers, YVAA
The YVAA CC Championships will take place at the Northern Racing College, about 10 minutes from J3 off M18, on Saturday 4th March.
As well as reminding you to try and get members of your clubs to take part in this event, all details and entry forms are at www.yvaa.org, we are looking for those that would be willing to help officiate at the race. This would be nothing difficult and could be any of the following:
Time keepers and recorders, number recorders and callers, results runners (taking results from finish to computer operator {about 200m} to speed up results process), help at Registration (giving out envelopes containing numbers to team managers). In all we will need about 12 people.
So if any runners will have friends family that are coming along to support and would be willing to help, that would be great.
Similarly anyone unable to run but willing to help.
Also Any runners in Race 3 (M35 – 49) that would be willing to come early and help out during Race 1 / 2 are also welcome.
Most of the YVAA Committee will be in Race 1 / 2 so could take over once they are finished.
Many thanks,
Names so far:
Sharon Maughan
Susan Forbes
Martin James
Simon Wright
Phil Bussey
Kevin Newman
Mick Page
Chris Lawson
Peter Wade