Your never too old to compete at a high level
Doncaster AC vet 45 athlete Darren Otter continues his excellent form In the track and field indoor season with a second overall place in the vets high jump, with a first time clearance of 1.75m in the vet masters competition held at Lee Valley Last week. Darren started the competition with first time clearances at 160, 1.65, 1.70 and 1.75 and was leading the competition. At 1.80 Darren narrowly failed all three of his attempts at this height with Kaspers Kazemacs vet35, clearing the bar on his final attempt. Darren won his age group category vet 45 and currently ranked number 1 in the uk rankings list.
Darren puts his form down to hard work, quality gym sessions and track training, together with the high jump technical sessions with his dad at the EIS.
Darren box jump training during a Plyometrics session in the gym.

Mike Cooke a uk level 4 coach for both sprints and hurdles is also looking for new athletes to train during the summer months, interested then give him a call or text on 07890452790.