Minutes from Directors meeting – 5th June 2013

Doncaster Athletic Club

Directors meeting

5th June 2013


Dan Winmill, Barry Barnes, Kev Lincoln, Mark Hudson, Martin James, Les Grant

Andrea Page, Steve Harrison, Dave Lilley, Alice Howe

Matters Arising
England Athletics meeting. Review of the meeting given. The consensus from the meeting was that a £10 registration fee be implemented
Picnic tables have been placed around the site
Cost Centres reviewed
Development fund. Payment made to one athlete
Disability event, to be held on the 28th July, has been cancelled

Clubhouse update                                                                                                     KL
Reviewed drawings

Financial review                                                                                               MH/KL
Reviewed accounts. Change in club accountants
Reviewed costs relating to repairs for pitch 2
Reviewed hire agreement with Bawtry Town FC
Reviewed accounts relating to Open meeting
Caretaker costs reviewed

Open meeting                                                                                                         All
Successful event, unfortunately let down by the weather. Thanks to all those who helped organise the event and assisted on the day.

Coach development                                                                                               LG
Change of useage on a Thursday was discussed and agreed
New coach profiles now on website
Discussion on the unacceptable practice of coaches moving athletes into other coaching groups without prior agreement of coach co-ordinator. Although related to one specific coach, all coaches will be informed.
Throws coach (BM) has returned after period absent due to health problems
DL has agreed to coach U13’s

Club Championships                                                                                           All
Agreed they should take place this year, probably as a family day.
AH to be asked to research

Marketing                                                                                                            DW
Review of membership brochure. Approved for distribution

Club Lottery
Members down to 9. Agreed draw take place at end of June, this to be the last one
KL to contact DL to inform him of the decision
Summer Draw                                                                                                     KL
Tickets now on sale

Site developments                                                                                              KL
Water metre to be installed
Stand to be painted
Local Authority still to make agreed payment
Hammer cage needs repairs completing

Road Race                                                                                                          MH
Sandall Beat numbers are 120, to date. All going well
Town Centre 5k is in hand

Clubmark                                                                                                           KL
Equity in coaching workshop. BB and LG + one other to attend

Startrack. Registration forms and information to be circulated. Coaches to be approached to assist                                                                                         DW
Doncaster Disability cluster meeting to be held at Doncaster Deaf Trust on the 19th October 2013                                                                                               KL/LG
British League. Proposal that membership be explored                                   LG
Website. Working well, no issues                                                                     MJ

Next meeting
Wednesday 3rd July  2013 @6-30pm
Venue. Police Club