These simple rules are designed to enable all members to train on the track in safety, with due consideration to other users:

  • When walking on to the track always look both ways and remember the fastest lanes are on the inside – lanes 1 to 3.
  • The innermost lanes should not be used for warm up, cool down or standing.
  • Runners going in a reverse direction(clockwise) around the track should always yield to all others and never run in lanes 1,2 or 3.
  • Faster runners should be permitted to pass on the left or to the inside.
  • Faster runners approaching slower runners signal their approach by calling out “Track” loudly – this signal is also used to warn people who are standing on the track and need to move.
  • Be aware of other runners proximity and respect their running space.
  • Do not stop in the middle of the track for any reason – move to an outer lane after checking over your shoulder for oncoming runners