Minutes of Directors Meeting 12 December 2016
Directors meeting
12th December 2016
Les Grant., Janet Kerry, Martin James, Kev Lincoln, Barry Barnes, Terry Winmill, Darren Wood (Guest)
Gill Winmill, Susan Forbes, Dan Winmill
Matters arising
Financial review KL
A/C’s were reviewed
Bawtry Town FC
Meeting informed that relationship with Bawtry Town FC is becoming strained. Possible links to AFC Bentley were discussed KL
Partnership agreement with Doncaster Rovers FC
Discussed use of car park 3. Use of toilets at the mini stadium at agreed times and the siting of a new gate into the mini stadium that would allow easy access to car park 3. Agreed that the gate should be installed ASAP. KL
Club Membership KL/TW
New process starts 1st January 2017. Bucket Zone is the preferred option and this will be reviewed regularly to ensure there is a smooth transition to their involvement with the club. TW asked that a meeting with directors and membership secretary to agree new structure to the recording of membership details and payments
Non Competing athletes All
Agreed non-competing members will move to a Wednesday. A flyer with be handed to coaches and a parents event will be arranged on the 12th January 2017, 6pm at the X P School, to inform them of this change
Awards night Saturday 18th March 2017 KL
Review of awards
Guests agreed
Open Meeting
Saturday 1st April 2017 , events reviewed and agreed LG/TW
Fixtures for Road races and Track and Field 2017 TW
Details were circulated
Jump/Throws evening TW
Details discussed and agreed
Site Maintenance KL
Volunteer day 31st March 2017
Meeting room and office. Disabled access required. Chairs needed
Higher claim athletes need to be registered to enable them to compete for the club
Next meeting will be held on
Wednesday the 4th January 2017, 6-30 at the Police Club
Members Welcome