2021 / 2022 Cross Country Fixtures

Some dates for your diary (information will be added when it is available).  You can run against the best in the area, county and country in these events.

Entries for all these are done through the club (apart from the Sheffield Open races), details to follow of how to enter and get your numbers (don’t try to enter at the cabin yet).  You must have a current UKA number to enter these events.

Cross country racing is some of the best training you can do and its great fun.  Cross country spikes or off road shoes are usually recommended unless its not rained for weeks.

The South Yorkshire Cross Country League

4 races, you keep the number for all 4 races.  Numbers available from the cabin, £8.

  • Keep the number for all 4 racesAge groups U11 up to all Veteran age groups

    You must have a UKA number

    Sun 17 October – Longley Park, Sheffield

    Sun 31 October – Penistone Showground

    Sun 21 November – Campsall

    Sun 12 December – Graves Park

All age groups from U11 up to all Veteran categories.

Northern Cross Country Relays – 23 October 2021 (Saturday)

These take part at Graves Park, Sheffield.

Age groups U11 upwards.

Senior athletes see Martin James.  Junior athletes see Paul Rowland and Barry Barnes.

National Cross Country Relays – 6 November 2021 (Saturday)

These take part at Berry Hill, Mansfield.

Age groups from U13 upwards.

Senior athletes see Martin James.  Junior athletes see Paul Rowland and Barry Barnes.

Justyna Felczerk
Mariusz Felczerek
Alex Felczerek
Eddie Phillips
Joe Phillips
George Phillips
Jennifer Monteith
Daniel Reeve
Andy Forsyth
Angus Jones
Oliver Hope
Grace Blair
Adam Jones
Martin James
Joe Warren
George Rowland
Simon Wright
Pete Wade