Results update 27 March 2017 – Chester Ultra, Dark Skies Ultra, Monsal Trail Half Marathon, Time Trial Results and parkruns

Entries are now open for our 2017 races, Sandall Beat 10k, 5km Doncaster Road Races and the Cusworth 10k – click here.

Chester Ultra 52 mile race  – 25 March 2017

The trip to Chester never went to plan, my vans engine blew up on route resulting in the RAC being called, a change of vehicles, late arrival and a night on the Race HQ floor. A 4am wakeup call, after 4hrs broken sleep, to a crisp morning was not the best start but I was still positive. I had 3 targets:

*Top 25 finish (which secured a gold medal),
*Sub 9hr 50 miles,
*Not to kill myself (this after all was a training run for UGB200)

At 6am the race started, I was running with Mick Clarke and our plan was to get a good start. There were a few bottle necks in the form of thin track, gates and styles, so although heading out at 7’00 was not usually advisable for a 52mi race we went out fast. The race soon reached Chester canal and the plan was to keep our 9th & 10th positions for as long as possible. The field had started spread out by now due to the bottlenecks. Our smugness soon ended as a lovely local had moved a sign which sent a group of us up a hill, before we realised we had gone the wrong way we had dropped a lot of places. Getting back on route I settled into my run overtaking a few runners who knew the correct route. In all this commotion I lost Mick. Arriving at CP 1 I was in 15th. The canal paths were very runnable and before long we were up in the hills and over fields. The route was fantastic with a great mix of terrain. I lost a few places, exiting the canal sections I stood on a thorn it went through my shoe, causing some discomfort. I stopped at a medic station to get it looked at. By this time a group had caught me up.

The hills caused more problems for me, living in Doncaster and Scunthorpe the closest I get to a hill is a motorway flyover. I made up some time on the downhills but after another section where the local kids had moved the signs I ended up in someone’s back garden. Losing more places. By this point my left hip was sore and I had gained a sore shin. The last slog along the canal seemed to go on for ever. I hit my sub 9hr 50mi point in 8:45 so I dropped off a bit. I made a couple of paces back as people in front were walking more, I finished in 19th place in a time of 9:04:25. All in all a brilliant day out, I can’t recommend this race enough. Great route, support, check points, the bling was amazing and there was even a free burger van at the end. The organisation was second to none. The race directors were very helpful from the day before (letting us sleep in the race HQ) right to the end of the day. Ensuring route markers were put back after kids stole or moved them and even extending the cut off time to ensure every runner made it back. Wayne the event organiser walked around the finish filming, taking photos and congratulating every runner, that along with the friendly aid stations game the race a brilliant personal feel.  *Report by Ultra Captain Martin Hookway

Dark Skies Ultra Marathon – 25 March 2017

This was my first venture into a full night running event other than during in a 24 hour event. The event promoted as the best place to view the stars as designated place of least light pollution.

After a race briefing it started at 5.40pm and it would seem everyone’s aim was to get as much ground covered before the sun set an head torches were needed. By checkpoint 2 at 9.5 miles I put my torch on, as now pitch black. At this point quite a lot of people pulled out. The race from now on become much hillier and initially a walk up and run down strategy was adopted. Later it when the climbs were like alpine hairpins running down became harder as the ground was unstable but the gradient not as punishing to run up. I was quite proud of my power walking technique.

It was much harder to guess the distance covered unless you looked at a watch as too dark to see progress or when in the middle of the Forrest it all looked the same. With only 5 checkpoints liquid intake also different to gauge, but they all had water& Coke and a range of jelly babies Jaffa cakes bananas etc. I didn’t drink enough at first & then in the second half probably took on too much resulting in a comical pee behind a tree in the middle of nowhere but pinpointed by my headtorch!. The temperature plummeted to -1degrees by the finish.

I calculated from my phone app I spent in total 10 mins stood still at either check points, adjusting my feet or my toilet stop!

The best thing about this event is the beautiful skies & the people. Cheap Bunkhouse accommodation, camping and a hot meal at the end of the race. Definitely one I’d consider doing again.

They promote a Dark Skies 29.5 Ultra event around Galloway mountain in October which is tempting!  * Report by Becky HB

Monsal Trail Half Marathon – 26 March 2017

This was the last training race before my Belfast marathon on the 1st May, and was a great opportunity for me to test where my fitness was at.

Knowing the first half of this race was a steady 400-500ft incline, I wanted to get up the hill in a half decent time, knowing I could make up some time on the down hill second half. I was feeling great and led a group of 5-6 runners through the first 6.5 miles and got to the turning point 60-90 seconds ahead of schedule.

I took a quick drink on board and tried to settle into a rhythm for the second half, knowing I could relax a little bit. After putting in a couple of quick miles, we returned through the first couple of tunnels, with a big headwind. The group was down to 3 of us and the other 2 were just tucking in behind me, and let me do the hard work.

After a few more miles passed, we went hit the 10mile mark in around 61-62 minutes. With only a parkrun to go, I knew I was on for a decent time, but with the 1st lady in view I had a target. With 2 miles to go, me and the others in my group passed the 1st lady and pushed on. I knew now I was flying, and on for a massive pb, despite my legs stiffening up.

I finished in 1hr 21mins 46s, a pb by 2mins and 22s. This is a time I could only have dreamed about, it really proves that training hard and putting the miles in really makes a difference.

This was a spectacular race, with great scenery, route and organisation. Definitely one for the diary in 2018.

One year to the day ago, I struggled through the world championships half marathon in Cardiff in 1hr 40something following a chest infection and shingles. This seemed like a long way away then, but the hard work has paid off!!  *Report by James Osborne

March Time Trial Results – 21 March 2017

Thanks to all who helped out and to the runners.

Place Int Surname Handicapped Time Actual Time Handicap
1 Becky Rowbottam 47:00 47:00 0:00
2 Luke Osbon 47:28 35:28 12:00
3 Claire Macleod 50:31 45:31 5:00
4 Sharon Maughan 52:37 39:37 13:00
5 Liz Horsley 54:02 54:02 0:00
6 Margaret Butler 54:30 48:30 6:00
7 Mo Rodwell 54:33 31:33 23:00
8 Rob Peach 54:38 38:38 16:00
9 Bridget Boutell 54:37 44:37 10:00
10 Martin Wilkinson 54:40 38:40 16:00
11 Peter Butler 54:43 48:43 6:00
12 Chris Lawson 55:08 32:08 23:00
13 Pete Wade 55:14 33:14 22:00
14 Derrian Beer 55:19 45:19 10:00
15 Simon Wright 55:30 28:30 27:00
16 Pete Badger 55:31 28:31 27:00
17 Chris Moran 55:32 28:32 27:00
18 Malc Leggatt 56:36 33:36 23:00
19 George Rowland 57:31 32:31 25:00
20 Joe Warren 57:31 32:31 25:00
21 Ian Fleeton 59:30 43:30 16:00
2 Laps
1 George Westerman 27:23 18:23 9:00
2 Edward Phillips 30:08 21:08 9:00
3 Amie Lake 32:33 32:33 0:00
4 Ben Metcalfe 32:49 23:49 9:00
5 Lucy Hookway 34:30 25:30 9:00
6 Sue Hunt 38:33 38:33 0:00
7 Gemma Tyler 38:33 38:33 0:00
8 Darren Wood 43:56 20:56 23:00
9 Marie Taylor 47:44 24:44 23:00
10 Alex Kellner 49:59 44:59 5:00
1 Lap
1 Leaha Dixon 17:54 16:54 1:00
2 Jessica Rowland 19:27 10:27 9:00
3 Deb Thompson 22:40 13:40 9:00

Parkruns 25 March 2017

First timers were Mike CLEASBY, Ian FLEETON, Luke OSBONHayley BUCK and Alicia FOERS.

PB’s for Nicola DEVINE, Phil WHITEHEAD, Martin JAMES, Lysander LAWSON, Finley LAWSON, Claire MACLEOD, Margaret BUTLER, Julie GUEST, Peter BUTLER, Lucy HATHAWAY and Kira NITHSDALE.

1st Lady to finish at Nostell was Nicola DEVINE.

At Doncaster 1st to finish was Martin JAMES (setting a new V40 course record) and first DAC lady to finish was Jodi SAVAGE.


68 Mike CLEASBY 25:03 VM40-44 55.76 % M 62 Doncaster AC First Timer! 71 Member of the parkrun 50 ClubStrava logo


32 Jessica ROYLE 25:18 SW20-24 58.50 % F 4 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:22:25 30 Member of the parkrun 10 Club


128 Paul BROWN 29:37 VM65-69 56.61 % M 89 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:24:01 122 Member of the parkrun 100 Club

Rother Valley

51 Isabel ROBINSON 23:10 JW11-14 70.29 % F 8 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:22:36 46 Member of the parkrun 10 Club
60 Nick NEWMAN 23:39 VM55-59 66.10 % M 51 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:22:40 46
68 Rob PEACH 24:18 VM40-44 57.89 % M 59 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:23:41 68 Member of the parkrun 50 Club
78 Andrea ROBINSON 24:49 VW40-44 63.40 % F 13 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:23:32 39
199 Angella PARKER 34:41 VW40-44 44.35 % F 69 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:32:18 8


24 George LAING 22:31 VM55-59 68.84 % M 23 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:21:25 48


55 Ian FLEETON 24:06 SM30-34 54.43 % M 47 Doncaster AC First Timer! 22 Strava logo


4 Nicola DEVINE 19:24 SW25-29 76.29 % F 1 Doncaster AC New PB! 87 Member of the parkrun 50 Club
7 Phil WHITEHEAD 20:06 SM25-29 64.18 % M 6 Doncaster AC New PB! 102 Member of the parkrun 100 ClubStrava logo


1 Martin JAMES 17:32 VM40-44 78.42 % M 1 Doncaster AC New PB! 53 Member of the parkrun 50 ClubStrava logo
3 Christopher MORAN 18:08 VM35-39 74.72 % M 3 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:17:48 48
4 Peter BADGER 18:12 VM40-44 76.10 % M 4 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:18:08 74 Member of the parkrun 50 ClubStrava logo
15 Pete WADE 20:47 VM55-59 76.50 % M 15 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:20:41 51 Member of the parkrun 50 Club
23 Luke OSBON 21:46 VM35-39 61.79 % M 22 Doncaster AC First Timer! 3 Strava logo
25 Peter FORRESTER 22:07 VM55-59 71.29 % M 24 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:22:02 102 Member of the parkrun 100 Club
27 Lysander LAWSON 22:13 JM10 73.59 % M 26 Doncaster AC New PB! 5
28 Chris LAWSON 22:14 VM45-49 64.24 % M 27 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:19:23 39 Strava logo
40 Michael FORRESTER 23:02 JM15-17 58.61 % M 37 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:22:27 33 Member of the parkrun 10 Club
44 Trevor LAMBERT 23:57 VM55-59 65.83 % M 40 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:21:50 71 Member of the parkrun 50 Club
68 Jodi SAVAGE 25:27 VW35-39 58.74 % F 11 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:25:07 11
78 Bill TOPPING 26:10 VM65-69 66.62 % M 64 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:24:14 117 Member of the parkrun 100 Club
95 Finley LAWSON 27:09 JM11-14 54.76 % M 76 Doncaster AC New PB! 3
111 Claire MACLEOD 27:54 VW45-49 56.93 % F 24 Doncaster AC New PB! 21 Strava logo
115 Martyn WALTER 28:06 VM55-59 55.16 % M 89 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:23:15 76 Member of the parkrun 50 ClubStrava logo
121 Daniel BOYD 28:30 JM11-14 49.77 % M 92 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:24:34 39 Member of the parkrun 10 Club
122 Martin BOYD 28:31 VM55-59 53.89 % M 93 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:21:55 105 Member of the parkrun 100 Club
138 Margaret BUTLER 29:20 VW55-59 63.41 % F 37 Doncaster AC New PB! 5
141 Julie GUEST 29:31 VW50-54 59.74 % F 38 Doncaster AC New PB! 69 Member of the parkrun 50 Club
144 Tomas FERNANDEZ 29:37 JM10 53.29 % M 105 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:26:34 6
148 Peter BUTLER 29:43 VM60-64 54.46 % M 108 Doncaster AC New PB! 5
168 Lucy HATHAWAY 31:06 SW18-19 47.75 % F 53 Doncaster AC New PB! 10
189 Kira NITHSDALE 33:50 SW30-34 43.79 % F 70 Doncaster AC New PB! 3
197 Maria EVANS 35:07 SW30-34 42.19 % F 75 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:31:17 4
226 Malcolm GREEN 40:48 VM55-59 38.32 % M 133 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:29:30 12
233 Hayley BUCK 49:19 SW25-29 30.01 % F 96 Doncaster AC First Timer! 1 Strava logo
234 Alicia FOERS 50:25 SW18-19 29.45 % F 97 Doncaster AC First Timer! 1
235 Sue BEEBY 50:25 VW55-59 36.89 % F 98 Doncaster AC PB stays at 00:37:33 33

Some Races to Enter

Wakefield 10k

Askern 10k

Sandall Beat 10k

Doncaster Town Centre Road Races

North Links Half Marathon

Askern 10 Mile

Harrogate 10k

Cusworth 10k